QnA: Defining Argumentative Essay, it's topic and its function

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Defining Argumentative Essay, it's topic and its function.

1. What is  Argumentative essay?

2. What is the function of an argumentative essay?

3. Identify some steps in the Process of Writing an argumentative essay!


QnA: Defining Argumentative Essay, it's topic and its function

1. What is  Argumentative essay?

Argumentative essay is a genre of writing that expresses an argument about a particular topic.  This will require you to do thorough research on the topic.

Argumentative essays contain the author's personal opinion on a topic or problem that is currently being discussed among the public.

Argumentative writing is an evidence-based approach to essay writing, in which the writer provides arguments and supports his position through presenting supporting evidence.

2. What is the function of an argumentative essay?

The function of an argumentative essay :
- Persuading the audience.
The purpose of the essay's arguments is to persuade the reader of the author's viewpoint on a particular phenomenon.

- Accepting the author's viewpoint.
Depending on the author, each essay that is written undoubtedly has a different point of view.
Essay writing also seeks to persuade the reader to agree with the author's viewpoints. Data and facts must, once more, be included in essays.

- Provide details on the subjects covered.
Essays might provide information for an opinion or for previously conducted study. Readers can learn new knowledge pertaining to the subject being covered by investigating or reexamining the circumstances or discoveries presented in essay writing.

3. Identify some steps in the Process of Writing an argumentative essay!

  • Choose a topic

The first step in the process of writing any essay is choosing a topic to write about.  If you are writing for a class, the topic may be selected for you.  Otherwise, you are free to write about the topics you are passionate about.  In general, it's best to write about topics that are of interest or importance to the public.  Furthermore, there must be an active debate around the topic with various sides and opinions.

  • Study

Depending on the field of study you work in, the type of research you do may vary.To present a fair, accurate, and effective argument, all kinds of sources and academic literature need to be reviewed.  Furthermore, during the research phase, authors must familiarize themselves with all sides of the debate they are dealing with.

  • Build arguments

At this point, you should have a fairly thorough understanding of your topic and the various positions taken by experts and academics.  Also, you should know generally where you stand and what position you want to take in your paper.

  • Set evidence

Lay out evidence to support your position.  You should gather a variety of types of evidence and sources to make your research as diverse and interesting as possible

  • Outline

Create a complete outline that should include your argument, a topic sentence for each paragraph or section, and strong supporting evidence for any major claims you make.

  • Write an essay

It's important to ensure that your essay flows naturally and logically.  Writers should strive for clarity and readability.  This will not only help your readers understand what you are trying to say, but will help you stay focused and allow your ideas to take center stage.

  • Reread, revise, and edit

Now that you have a complete draft, it's time to re-read, revise, and edit.  First, read your draft aloud to yourself and try to identify any areas that sound unclear or confusing.  Rearrange and rearrange these ideas as best you can.  Once you've edited yourself to some extent, you should seek a second opinion on your work.

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  1. 1. What is an Argumentative essay?
    An argumentative essay is a type of essay that presents an argument on a given topic or issue and supports it with evidence and reasoning. Argumentative essays persuade the reader to accept the writer's perspective by presenting well-reasoned arguments.
    Argumentative essays should clearly state the writer's position and present the reasons behind it. Then, they should support their arguments with statistics, facts, and expert opinions. In addition, the writer must refute counterarguments with evidence and logic.
    There are typically four parts to an argumentative essay: an introduction, a thesis statement that presents the writer's argument, a body paragraph that presents evidence and reasoning supporting the argument, and a conclusion that restates the thesis statement and summarizes the main points of the essay.

    2. What is the function of an argumentative essay?
    Argumentative essays persuade the reader to accept the writer's perspective by presenting well-reasoned arguments. The essay presents a clear thesis statement, which is a statement that summarizes the main argument of the essay and provides evidence to support the thesis statement.

    3. Identify some steps in the Process of Writing an argumentative essay!
    Here are some steps in the process of writing an argumentative essay:
    1. Choose a topic: The first step is to select a topic that is debatable and has multiple perspectives. Make sure to choose a topic that you are interested in and have knowledge about.
    2. Conduct research: Once you have selected a topic, conduct thorough research to gather evidence and information that supports your argument. Use reliable sources such as academic journals, books, and reputable websites.
    3. Develop a thesis statement: A thesis statement is a concise summary of the main argument of your essay. It should be clear, specific, and debatable.
    4. Outline your essay: Organize your ideas and evidence into a logical order using an outline. This will help you to stay focused and ensure that your essay flows smoothly.
    5. Write your introduction: Begin with an attention-grabbing opening sentence that introduces the topic and provides context. Then, introduce your thesis statement.
    6. Write the body paragraphs: Each body paragraph should focus on one main point that supports your thesis statement. Start with a topic sentence that introduces the point and provides evidence to support it. Be sure to include counterarguments and refute them with evidence.
    7. Write the conclusion: Summarize your main points and restate your thesis statement in a new way. End with a final thought that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.
    8. Revise and edit: Review your essay for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Make sure that your ideas are clear and well-supported with evidence.

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