Membaca dan menganalisis teks yang berjudul Budi Daya Stroberi (Fragaria x ananassa).

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Membaca dan menganalisis teks yang berjudul Budi Daya Stroberi (Fragaria x ananassa).

Cermati bagian-bagian yang dicetak tebal pada teks berikut ini dan tentukan padanannya dalam bahasa Inggris. 

Membaca dan menganalisis teks yang berjudul Budi Daya Stroberi (Fragaria x ananassa).

Budi Daya Stroberi (Fragaria x ananassa) 

Stroberi merupakan tanaman buah berupa herba yang bermanfaat sebagai makanan dalam keadaan segar atau olahannya. Produk makanan yang terbuat dari stroberi telah banyak dikenal misalnya sirup, jam, ataupun stup (compote) stroberi. Stroberi ditemukan pertama kali di Chili, Amerika. Salah satu spesies tanaman stroberi yaitu Fragaria chiloensis L menyebar ke berbagai negara Amerika, Eropa dan Asia. Varietas stroberi introduksi yang berkembang di Indonesia adalah Osogrande di Purbalingga, Selva di Karanganyar, Earlibrite (Holibert) di Garut dan Ciwidey Bandung, Rosa Linda, Sweet Charlie, Aerut, dan Camarosa di Bedugul Bali, Dorit, Lokal Brastagi dan California di Brastagi, Chandler di Bondowoso PTPN XII, Lokal Batu di Batu.



Stroberi diperbanyak dengan biji dan benih vegetatif (anakan, stolon atau akar sulur) dan kebutuhan benih per hektar antara 40.000-50.000 sesuai dengan jenis varietas maupun jarak tanam.


Perbanyakan secara vegetatif.

Tanaman induk yang dipilih harus berumur 1-2 tahun, sehat dan produktif. Penyiapan benih anakan dan stolon adalah sebagai berikut: Untuk benih anakan rumpun dibongkar dengan cangkul, tanaman induk dibagi menjadi beberapa bagian yang sedikitnya mengandung 1 anakan. Sedangkan untuk benih stolon rumpun yang dipilih telah memiliki akar sulur pertama dan kedua. Stolon ditanam dalam polybag atau plastik hingga daun mencapai 3 lembar dan penampakan segar (kurang lebih 1 bulan), setelah itu potong dan stolon siap ditanam. Perbanyakan vegetatif lebih baik melalui stolon daripada anakan. Stolon mampu menghasilkan klon tanaman induk, sehingga memungkinkan tanaman untuk tumbuh di tanah dengan mudah.

Answer V1:

Strawberries Cultivation (Fragaria x ananassa)


Strawberries are herbaceous fruits which are beneficial as fresh food or its process. Food products made of strawberries, have been considerably known such as syrups, jams, or stup (compote) of strawberries. Strawberries were first found in Chili, America. Either of strawberries species is Fragaria chiloensis L which spreads to various America countries, Europe and Asia. The introductions of strawberries varieties that extend in Indonesia is Osogrande in Purbalingga, Selva in Karanganyar, Earlibrite (Holibert) in Garut, and Ciwidey Bandung, Rosa Linda, Sweet Charlie, Aerut, and Camarosa in Bedugul Bali, Dorit, Lokal Brastagi and California in Brastagi, Chandler in Bondowoso PTPN XII, Lokal Batu in Batu.


Strawberries are reproduced with seeds and vegetative seeds (seedling, stolon or tendrils) and the needs of seeds per hectare between 40,000 – 50,000 according to the varieties and plant spacing.

Vegetative propagation.

The selected mother plant must be at the age of 1-2 years, healthy, and productive. The preparation of seedlings and stolon is the following: For a cluster of seedlings dismantled with a hoe, the mother plant divided into several parts that contain at least one seedling. Meanwhile for the selected cluster of stolon seeds has had the first tendrils and the second ones. Stolon is implanted in a polybag or plastic until the leaves reach 3 leaves and have a fresh look (less than a month), after that cut those and stolon is ready to be planted. Vegetative propagation had better get through stolon rather than seedling. Stolon is capable of yielding the mother plant clone, so that the plant is possible to grow on soil with ease.

Answer V2:

Stroberi merupakan tanaman buah berupa herba yang bermanfaat sebagai makanan dalam keadaan segar atau olahannya.

Dari kata kalimat tersebut pada paragraf satu, kata-kata ‘tanaman buah berupa herba’ jika diterjemahkan menjadi Strawberris are herbs fruit-plant ...

Saya menjadikan kata yang bergaris bawahi itu sebagai noun frase agar lebih mudah dimengerti. Ada kemungkinan menjadi bentuk susunan lain, akan tetapi menurut saya, bentuk tersebut adalah frasa yang terbaik.

Perbenihan = Seed
According to the Agricultural dictionary, perbenihan is Gemination. Tetapi, dalam konteks ini, penggunaan kata seed lebih tepat.

Stroberi diperbanyak dengan biji dan benih vegetatif (anakan, stolon atau akar sulur) dan kebutuhan benih per hektar antara 40.000-50.000 sesuai dengan jenis varietas maupun jarak tanam.

Kata bercetak tebal menjadi the distance of the planting atau juga bisa seperti ini the type of variety and spacing.

Tanaman induk yang dipilih harus berumur 1-2 tahun, sehat dan produktif. Penyiapan benih anakan dan stolon adalah sebagai berikut: Untuk benih anakan rumpun dibongkar dengan cangkul, tanaman induk dibagi menjadi beberapa bagian yang sedikitnya mengandung 1 anakan.

Tanaman induk = the mother plant

Benih anakan = kata ini bisa langsung diterjemahkan menjadi seed, secara seed keseluruhan bermakna biji atau benih. Tetapi dikarenakan adanya kata-kata pengulangan yang menggunakan seed, pemaknaan yang sedikit berbeda dari biji dan benih anakan, dan kemungkinan akan membingungkan pembaca, maka kata ini akan diterjemahkan menjadi seeds that have been sown.


So, after carefully reading, examining, and understanding the text, here’s the complete translation :

Strawberry Cultivation (Fragaria x ananassa)

Strawberries are herb fruit-plant useful as food in fresh or processed conditions. Food products made from strawberries are widely known, for example syrup, jam, or strawberry compote. Strawberries were first discovered in Chile, America. One of the strawberry plant species, Fragaria chiloensis L, has spread to various countries in America, Europe and Asia. The introduced strawberry varieties developed in Indonesia are Osogrande in Purbalingga, Selva in Karanganyar, Earlibrite (Holibert) in Garut and Ciwidey Bandung, Rosa Linda, Sweet Charlie, Aerut and Camarosa in Bedugul Bali, Dorit, Local Brastagi and California in Brastagi, Chandler in Bondowoso PTPN XII, Local Batu in Batu.


Strawberries are reproduce by seeds and vegetative seeds (sow, stolons or tendrils) and the need for seeds per hectare is between 40,000-50,000 according to the type of variety and spacing.

Vegetative propagation.

The selected mother plant should be 1-2 years old, healthy and productive. The preparation of seeds that have been sown are : For the tillers, the sows are dismantled with a hoe, the mother plant is divided into several parts containing at least 1 tiller. As for the stolon seeds of the selected clu
mp, they already have the first and second tendril roots. Stolons are planted in polybags or plastic until they have three leaves and appear healthy (about one month), at which point they are cut and the stolons are ready for planting. Stolons are more effective than tillers for vegetative propagation. Stolons can produce clones of the mother plant, allowing the plants to grow easily in soil.

Answer V3:

Strawberries Cultivation (Fragaria x ananassa)


Strawberries are herbaceous fruits that are useful as food in fresh or processed conditions. Food products made from strawberries are widely known, for example syrup, jam, or strawberry compote. Strawberries were first discovered in Chile, America. One of strawberry plant species, Fragaria chiloensis L, has spread to various countries in America, Europe, and Asia. The introduced strawberry varieties developed in Indonesia are Osogrande in Purbalingga, Selva in Karanganyar, Earlibrite (Holibert) in Garut and Ciwidey Bandung, Rosa Linda, Sweet Charlie, Aerut, dan Camarosa in Bedugul Bali, Dorit, Local Brastagi and California in Brastagi, Chandler in Bondowoso PTPN XII, Local Batu in Batu.



Strawberries are propagated by seeds and vegetative seeds (saplings, stolons, or tendrils) and the need for seeds per hectare is between 40,000-50,000 according to the type of variety and spacing.


Vegetative propagation

The selected mother plant should be 1-2 years old, healthy and productive. The preparation of seedlings and stolons is as follows: For the seedlings, the clumps are dismantled with a garden hoe, the mother plant is divided into several parts containing at least 1 seedling. As for the stolon seeds of the selected clump, they already have the first and second tendril roots. Stolons are planted in polybags or plastic until they reach 3 leaves and look fresh (approximately 1 month), after which they are cut and the stolons are ready for planting. Vegetative propagation is better through stolons than seedlings. Stolons are capable of producing clones of the mother plant, thus allowing the plants to grow in the soil easily.


  • tanaman buah berupa herba, if translated word-to-word is going to be fruit plants in the form of herbs, which I think is too long and a bit awkward. 
  • Perbenihan = seeding.
  • jarak tanam = spacing. I do not translate is as plant spacing as the sentence already implied that it is spacing for planting strawberries. Translating it into "... according to the type of the plant variety and plant spacing" doesn't seem be efficient.
  • Tanaman induk = mother plant. Adjusted according to the sentence. Translating it into "The mother plant that has been selected should be 1-2 years old," doesn't sit right with me.
  • benih anakan = seedlings. 

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